Saturday, January 16, 2016


spellcasting in the world with no name comes in lots of flavors. most things that would be called "spellcasting" are actually powers that are different from spellcasting. these include powerful mutations, innate abilities, and supernatural powers gifted by deities. they are set powers, rather than the more fluid abilities present in the casting of spells.

the main types of spellcasting are used by wizards and by the geothermal priests of the dark elves.

wizards roll on the following 1d30 table at least twice (possibly more if they know more spells) to determine "magic words" with which the wizard can construct their spells. if the wizard rolls the same word twice, reroll.

to cast a spell, the wizard combines as many magic words as they wish (it can also be a single word!), and they (along with the gm) interpret the spell's effect. if they wish to improve the power of the spell, they must spend points of their MAGIC score. to cast the spell, roll 1d20 + magic points allocated +/- any situational modifiers. if it is 10 or above, the spell goes off without a hitch. if it is 20 or above, it goes off REALLY WELL. if its below 10, the spell fails and something bad happens.


  1. Fire
  2. Cold
  3. Ball
  4. Force
  5. Unseen
  6. Servant
  7. Faerie
  8. Slime
  9. Flesh
  10. Baby
  11. Bolt
  12. Dark
  13. Eyeball
  14. Spider
  15. Poison
  16. Summon
  17. Monster
  18. Knife
  19. Bullet
  20. Bite
  21. Magma
  22. Death
  23. Undead
  24. Animate
  25. Object
  26. Bone
  27. Blood
  28. Water
  29. Air
  30. Laser

the geothermal priests of the dark elves know how to cast spells from a set list of miracles that are sanctioned by the priesthood. the use of these geothermal miracles follows the same dice rules as above, but using the COSMOS score rather than MAGIC. the priest can improvise new spells using the words in the names of the spell, but this is incredibly discouraged.

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